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Flag Day


We had a fantastic response to Flag Day last Saturday and raised the princely sum of €2,930. Sincere thanks to the Parents Association who worked so hard to organise this under the direction of Cynthia Doyle. A sincere thanks to all the parents who gave their time on Saturday to man the collection points and a very big thank you to all who contributed to the collection. 16 I-Pads have been purchased for the classes and the children are really enjoying using them. (See picture below) A huge míle buíochas to past and present Parents Association who worked tirelessly in their fundraising efforts to make this possible. 

Easter Holidays


School will close next Wed 16th at 12.30p.m and will re-open on Mon. 4th April

Sacrament of Reconciliation



Congratulations to all the children who received this Sacrament last Saturday. 



Westport Youth Activities Committee


are having an end of year outing tomorrow Wednesday March 9th from 4.30p.m to 6.30p.m This is for u5’s-u8’s and will be held in the Wild West. If you wish your child to attend, please text 087 2776276 TONIGHT with your child’s name. 

Seachtain na Gaeilge


Lots of activities taking place in place in school this week to celebrate this. Music, ceoil agus craic go leor. Remember ‘Gaeilge bríste níos fear na Bearla cliste’. Thanks to Ms. Barrett and Ms. Heneghan for organising these events. 



PTAA Essay Writing Competition


Congratulations to children from our school from Rang 6 who won 1st Place in this competition for West Mayo, from Rang 5 who won 2nd prize and from Rang 5 who was selected for special merit. Prizes will be presented to the winners in Carrowbeg House on Thursday 10th March at 8.00. A photographer will be there and we ask that they will be accompanied by parent/guardian. Winners will go forward to Connaught competition. 



© 2016 by Scoil Phádraig - all images and photos created or owned by children or members of Scoil Phádraig community

   Registered Charity Number: 20016135

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